Statistics & Research about Lusby,MD - Yezzi & Company Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lusby,MD an area served by Yezzi & Company Inc

Phone : 410-394-9000

Real estate research for area nearby Yezzi & Company Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Baden 435,500 1091 3.0
Eagle Harbor 413600 NA NA
St. Leonard 367900 NA NA
St. George Island 1000001 NA NA
Cedarville 23,700 1609 81.5
Church Creek 240000 NA NA
Charlotte Hall 350,600 1412 4.8
Leonardtown 363,300 858 2.8
California 270,200 1466 6.5

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Yezzi & Company Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Baden 130
Eagle Harbor 35
Elliott 5
St. Leonard 52
St. George Island 56
Cedarville 185
Church Creek 13
Charlotte Hall 46
Leonardtown 167
California 916
Dorchester County 4746
Trappe 131
Drum Point 124
Solomons 535

Number of old houses in places near by Yezzi & Company Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Baden 650000
Cedarville 54200
Church Creek 291700
Leonardtown 320000
California 283300
Dorchester County 187500
Trappe 277500
Taylors Island 183300

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Yezzi & Company Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Baden 27
Eagle Harbor 6
St. George Island 29
Church Creek 2
Leonardtown 189
California 155
Dorchester County 1418
Trappe 37
Drum Point 87
Solomons 234
Taylors Island 26

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Yezzi & Company Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Baden 119
St. Leonard 63
St. George Island 14
Cedarville 13
Charlotte Hall 20
Leonardtown 96
California 236
Dorchester County 568
Trappe 50
Drum Point 103
Solomons 49