Statistics & Research about Aberdeen,MD - Vandyke Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Aberdeen,MD an area served by Vandyke Insurance Group

Phone : 410-272-2300

Car dealers nearby Vandyke Insurance Group

Auto Smart

Auto Smart 1545 S Philadelphia Blvd.Aberdeen,MD,21001 PH410-994-0445
Phone: 410-994-0445

Real estate research for area nearby Vandyke Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kent County 267,600 767 3.4
Rosedale 220,500 1053 5.7
Kingstown 261,000 885 4.1
Bel Air South 283,400 1096 4.6
Glasgow 285,100 1279 5.4
Edgemere 247,300 998 4.8
Townsend 290,000 1025 4.2
Upper Oxford 280,300 1394 6.0
East Drumore 217,600 1103 6.1
New Castle County 251,200 1003 4.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Vandyke Insurance Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Kent County 659
Rosedale 379
Kingstown 39
Bel Air South 1250
Glasgow 687
Edgemere 300
Townsend 2
Upper Oxford 26
East Drumore 89
New Castle County 21025
Martic 38
Bear 399
Lower Oxford 8

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Vandyke Insurance Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Kent County 1560
Rosedale 1286
Kingstown 118
Bel Air South 4714
Glasgow 4872
Edgemere 432
Townsend 210
Upper Oxford 282
East Drumore 231
New Castle County 52979
Cross Roads 56
Martic 495
Bear 1053
Lower Oxford 251
North Star 1967

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Vandyke Insurance Group

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Kent County 485
Rosedale 243
Kingstown 51
Bel Air South 1013
Glasgow 515
Edgemere 107
Townsend 100
Upper Oxford 45
East Drumore 91
New Castle County 9278
Cross Roads 38
Martic 125
Bear 160
Lower Oxford 134
North Star 340

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Vandyke Insurance Group

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Kent County 270000
Rosedale 265500
Kingstown 217700
Bel Air South 266800
Glasgow 284000
Edgemere 326400
Upper Oxford 270000
East Drumore 199500
New Castle County 293700
Cross Roads 225000
Martic 231300
Bear 193100
Lower Oxford 236100
North Star 495500