Statistics & Research about Baltimore,MD - Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Here are some statistics & research about Baltimore,MD an area served by Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Phone : 410-327-2500

Real estate research for area nearby Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Berwyn Heights 291,800 1846 7.6
Riviera Beach 270,300 1557 6.9
Woodlawn 229,400 1136 5.9
South Laurel 335,800 1238 4.4
Mitchellville 381,300 2001 6.3
Riverdale Park 292,300 1029 4.2
Edgewater 345,900 1738 6.0
Layhill 454,700 2001 5.3
Eldersburg 373,800 1119 3.6
Fairland 326,400 1484 5.5

Number of old houses in places near by Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Place name Number of old houses
Berwyn Heights 270000
Riviera Beach 270000
Woodlawn 221300
South Laurel 423900
Mitchellville 325000
Riverdale Park 271400
Edgewater 290900
Eldersburg 331800
Fairland 243200
Fallston 367200
Pasadena 223800
Landover 166400
College Park 321400
Perry Hall 267000

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Riviera Beach 261400
Woodlawn 243100
South Laurel 319600
Mitchellville 354400
Riverdale Park 174200
Edgewater 285800
Layhill 340300
Eldersburg 351000
Fairland 288700
Fallston 416500
Pasadena 282700
Landover 224700
College Park 341000
Perry Hall 267500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Berwyn Heights 469
Riviera Beach 2830
Woodlawn 7502
South Laurel 2096
Mitchellville 1274
Riverdale Park 618
Edgewater 2031
Layhill 662
Eldersburg 4078
Fairland 2737
Fallston 1302
Pasadena 4517
Landover 3877
College Park 1946
Perry Hall 5074

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Thomas J Cavey & Sons Co

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Berwyn Heights 204
Riviera Beach 246
Woodlawn 353
South Laurel 748
Mitchellville 789
Riverdale Park 272
Edgewater 211
Layhill 369
Eldersburg 1049
Fairland 685
Fallston 323
Pasadena 526
Landover 270
College Park 1087
Perry Hall 405