Statistics & Research about Manchester,MD - Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Manchester,MD an area served by Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 410-239-0720

Real estate research for area nearby Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
McKnightstown 234100 NA NA
York County 177,200 798 5.4
Hamiltonban 184,000 900 5.9
Red Lion 135,700 719 6.4
Pikesville 314,200 1181 4.5
Adams County 204,000 798 4.7
Spring Grove 162,100 725 5.4
West York 111,400 712 7.7
Sykesville 346,300 1053 3.6
Linganore 354,200 1366 4.6

Number of whites in places near by Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
McKnightstown 186
York County 386289
Hamiltonban 2045
Red Lion 6270
Pikesville 24047
Adams County 93884
Spring Grove 2254
West York 3400
Sykesville 4129
Linganore 7568
Lake Heritage 1594
Towson 44144
Taneytown 6038
Felton 490
New Market 597

Number of vacant houses in places near by Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
York County 10466
Hamiltonban 115
Red Lion 112
Pikesville 775
Adams County 2536
Spring Grove 20
West York 180
Sykesville 92
Linganore 29
Lake Heritage 91
Towson 1528
Taneytown 168
Felton 17
New Market 24

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
McKnightstown 36
York County 33650
Hamiltonban 157
Red Lion 242
Pikesville 2471
Adams County 7014
Spring Grove 178
West York 273
Sykesville 423
Linganore 1168
Lake Heritage 216
Towson 3020
Taneytown 445
Felton 37
New Market 75

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Riehl & Knode Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
McKnightstown 16
York County 7414
Hamiltonban 29
Red Lion 130
Pikesville 832
Adams County 1621
Spring Grove 25
West York 143
Sykesville 51
Linganore 300
Lake Heritage 22
Towson 1193
Taneytown 134
Felton 3
New Market 45