Statistics & Research about California,MD - Raley Watts & Oneill

Here are some statistics & research about California,MD an area served by Raley Watts & Oneill

22934 3 NOTCH RD STE B
Phone : 301-863-6625

Real estate research for area nearby Raley Watts & Oneill

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dorchester County 200,000 808 4.8
Bryantown 399,500 1615 4.9
St. Marys County 312,100 1235 4.7
Owings 451,100 2001 5.3
Westmoreland County 179,000 885 5.9
Tilghman Island 285900 NA NA
Fishing Creek 258300 NA NA
Leonardtown 363,300 858 2.8
Washington 187,000 919 5.9
Eagle Harbor 413600 NA NA

Number of vacant houses in places near by Raley Watts & Oneill

Place name Number of vacant houses
Dorchester County 2988
St. Marys County 4092
Westmoreland County 3548
Tilghman Island 202
Fishing Creek 67
Leonardtown 97
Washington 1541
Eagle Harbor 47
Calvert County 2877
Long Beach 94

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Raley Watts & Oneill

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Dorchester County 172900
St. Marys County 277000
Owings 372600
Westmoreland County 152700
Fishing Creek 168800
Leonardtown 386700
Washington 155900
Calvert County 329200
Long Beach 320600

Number of new houses in places near by Raley Watts & Oneill

Place name Number of new houses
Dorchester County 335300
St. Marys County 332200
Leonardtown 378000
Calvert County 375000

Number of blacks in places near by Raley Watts & Oneill

Place name Number of blacks
Dorchester County 9057
Bryantown 151
St. Marys County 14375
Owings 296
Westmoreland County 5198
Leonardtown 725
Washington 1745
Eagle Harbor 59
Calvert Beach 37
Calvert County 12187
Rock Point 32
Long Beach 208