Statistics & Research about Germantown,MD - Klinger Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Germantown,MD an area served by Klinger Insurance Group

Phone : (301) 428-4935

Real estate research for area nearby Klinger Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Union Bridge 208,800 869 5.0
Reston 434,800 1538 4.2
Bolivar 167,900 805 5.8
Brunswick 207,900 1140 6.6
Middleburg 425,000 1306 3.7
Glenmont 380,800 1453 4.6
Myersville 352,300 1013 3.5
Woodsboro 298,900 627 2.5
Dunn Loring 644,300 2001 3.7
Burke Centre 392,600 1746 5.3

Number of vacant houses in places near by Klinger Insurance Group

Place name Number of vacant houses
Union Bridge 50
Reston 1350
Bolivar 103
Brunswick 186
Middleburg 79
Glenmont 353
Myersville 7
Woodsboro 15
Burke Centre 115
Berwyn Heights 66
Laytonsville 9
Eldersburg 174
Dulles 1024
Hunter Mill 2132

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Klinger Insurance Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Union Bridge 54
Reston 4749
Bolivar 121
Brunswick 481
Middleburg 77
Glenmont 1256
Myersville 219
Woodsboro 142
Dunn Loring 1510
Burke Centre 1994
Berwyn Heights 269
Laytonsville 46
Eldersburg 3985
Dulles 10047
Hunter Mill 12983

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Klinger Insurance Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Union Bridge 61
Reston 3790
Bolivar 94
Brunswick 128
Middleburg 42
Glenmont 465
Myersville 20
Woodsboro 55
Burke Centre 380
Berwyn Heights 22
Laytonsville 2
Eldersburg 311
Dulles 787
Hunter Mill 6271

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Klinger Insurance Group

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Reston 474400
Bolivar 175000
Brunswick 309100
Glenmont 467700
Myersville 415400
Woodsboro 304500
Dunn Loring 877100
Burke Centre 238700
Berwyn Heights 567300
Laytonsville 781300
Eldersburg 515500
Dulles 539400
Hunter Mill 526200