Statistics & Research about Leonardtown,MD - Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Leonardtown,MD an area served by Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Phone : 717-235-5681

Real estate research for area nearby Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Port Tobacco Village 520800 NA NA
Lexington Park 238,400 1167 5.9
Benedict 260000 NA NA
King George County 281,900 1068 4.5
Madison 555600 NA NA
La Plata 335,800 1122 4.0
Mechanicsville 291,700 994 4.1
Drum Point 339,400 1250 4.4
Hughesville 408500 NA NA
Shiloh 256,700 1056 4.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Lexington Park 1482
Benedict 71
King George County 1956
Madison 33
La Plata 725
Mechanicsville 64
Drum Point 124
Hughesville 41
Shiloh 477
Montross 394
Tappahannock 480
Dahlgren 611
Bensville 127
Chesapeake Ranch Estates 267

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lexington Park 301000
King George County 328300
La Plata 349200
Mechanicsville 429000
Drum Point 487100
Hughesville 467200
Shiloh 312000
Montross 206600
Tappahannock 265800
Dahlgren 317100
Bensville 389300
Chesapeake Ranch Estates 276000

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Port Tobacco Village 13
Lexington Park 2142
Benedict 31
King George County 4251
Madison 100
La Plata 1092
Mechanicsville 325
Drum Point 494
Hughesville 137
Shiloh 963
Montross 1052
Tappahannock 654
Dahlgren 854
Bensville 913
Chesapeake Ranch Estates 2380

Number of blacks in places near by Harry L Bubb Associates Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Lexington Park 3686
Benedict 23
King George County 4530
Madison 21
La Plata 2522
Mechanicsville 190
Drum Point 212
Hughesville 321
Shiloh 978
Montross 1404
Tappahannock 1255
Dahlgren 1237
Bensville 4933
Chesapeake Ranch Estates 1299