Statistics & Research about Cockeysville,MD - Gosnell Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Cockeysville,MD an area served by Gosnell Insurance Inc

Phone : 410-252-0300

Car dealers nearby Gosnell Insurance Inc

Anderson Honda

Anderson Honda, 10139 York Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030
Phone: 443-955-6923

Frankel & Chesapeake Cadillac

10240 York Road , Cockeysville, MD 21030
Phone: (877) 390-8483

Real estate research for area nearby Gosnell Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Baltimore 161,300 909 6.8
Pennville 167,600 935 6.7
Fawn 262,200 790 3.6
Reisterstown 253,200 1091 5.2
Aberdeen Proving Ground 9,999 1553 186.4
Sykesville 346,300 1053 3.6
Severn 336,600 1355 4.8
Edgewood 196,500 1103 6.7
Burtonsville 415,100 1405 4.1
Fulton 682,600 2001 3.5

Number of whites in places near by Gosnell Insurance Inc

Place name Number of whites
Baltimore 186860
Pennville 2198
Fawn 2907
Reisterstown 16078
Aberdeen Proving Ground 1007
Sykesville 4129
Severn 21483
Edgewood 11930
Burtonsville 2954
Fulton 1602
Pasadena 21003
Loganville 1154
Randallstown 4894
Winterstown 626
Parkville 18897

Number of vacant houses in places near by Gosnell Insurance Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Baltimore 55807
Fawn 102
Reisterstown 551
Aberdeen Proving Ground 413
Sykesville 92
Severn 1094
Edgewood 741
Burtonsville 145
Fulton 101
Pasadena 357
Loganville 4
Randallstown 833
Winterstown 18
Parkville 720

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Gosnell Insurance Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Baltimore 9634
Pennville 15
Fawn 49
Reisterstown 311
Aberdeen Proving Ground 12
Sykesville 51
Severn 1057
Edgewood 283
Burtonsville 444
Fulton 229
Pasadena 526
Loganville 6
Randallstown 706
Winterstown 8
Parkville 246

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Gosnell Insurance Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Baltimore 50255
Pennville 99
Fawn 23
Reisterstown 1469
Aberdeen Proving Ground 34
Sykesville 360
Severn 566
Edgewood 647
Burtonsville 150
Pasadena 260
Loganville 58
Randallstown 1234
Winterstown 13
Parkville 1556