Statistics & Research about Silver Spring,MD - Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Here are some statistics & research about Silver Spring,MD an area served by Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Phone : 301-949-6535

Real estate research for area nearby Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hillandale 387,300 1232 3.8
Glen Burnie 256,500 1134 5.3
Burke Centre 392,600 1746 5.3
Chevy Chase View 862,200 2001 2.8
Greenbelt 225,200 1254 6.7
South Riding 512,400 2001 4.7
Friendship 447,300 2001 5.4
Glassmanor 248,400 1119 5.4
Jessup 289,900 1237 5.1
Cheverly 319,300 1063 4.0

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hillandale 93
Glen Burnie 3943
Burke Centre 380
Chevy Chase View 3
Greenbelt 2674
South Riding 70
Glassmanor 1357
Jessup 57
Cheverly 197
Loudoun Valley Estates 9
Lincolnia 1005
Brookmont 110
Shady Side 127

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Glen Burnie 338600
Burke Centre 238700
Chevy Chase View 1000001
Greenbelt 253400
South Riding 545000
Glassmanor 290300
Jessup 48800
Cheverly 434100
Loudoun Valley Estates 615900
Lincolnia 478500
Brookmont 1000001
Wakefield 825400
Shady Side 354900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hillandale 487
Glen Burnie 885
Burke Centre 602
Chevy Chase View 130
Greenbelt 143
South Riding 1224
Glassmanor 173
Jessup 18
Cheverly 226
Loudoun Valley Estates 281
Lincolnia 528
Brookmont 413
Wakefield 1146
Shady Side 283

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Gobind Chuharmal Hemnani

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hillandale 814
Glen Burnie 4341
Burke Centre 1994
Chevy Chase View 137
Greenbelt 726
South Riding 2982
Friendship 60
Glassmanor 662
Jessup 45
Cheverly 620
Loudoun Valley Estates 459
Lincolnia 1324
Brookmont 395
Wakefield 2198
Shady Side 292